Marcus from Herd Immunity News asks Giovanni Di Stefano why this UK Law is not being UPHELD?
The Immigration Act Of 1971 states:
Section 24:
1.a) All offences in section 24 can only be committed by a person who is not a British citizen. For the offence to be committed, a person must knowingly enter in breach of a deportation order or without leave. By contrast, a person is an illegal entrant (for removal purposes) simply if he unlawfully enters or seeks to enter in breach of a deportation order or of the immigration laws. The extended time limit for prosecutions applies. Suspected offenders can be arrested without warrant. If a case is brought within 6 months of the date of entry, the burden of proof is reversed and the defendant must prove, on the balance of probabilities that he had leave to enter.
#giorgiameloni #migrants #immigration #sunak #uk #politics #immigration