Giovanni Di Stefano Confirms Entering The Forthcoming European Parliamentary Elections Edlorm Housing Ghana Ltd and OPC Global News and Media Corporation Announce Joint Venture for Luxurious Edlorm Villa Project in Accra, Ghana Will The 1984 Unsolved Murder of Janice Weston Ever be Resolved? By Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development

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Royal Blackmail

A six-part series on the story behind the Royal Blackmail Trial based on the book by controversial international lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano has been sent to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for consideration as part of their Netflix deal. Ian Strachan and Sean McGuigan were both convicted in 2008 of blackmailing a member of the royal family, at the time it caused sensational headlines worldwide. Strachan was represented by Di Stefano from the moment of his arrest at…

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Parere Pro Veritate – No Statutory Requirement to Impose Consecutive Sentence on Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 ‘Default’ Orders by Giovanni Di Stefano

The Criminal Justice Act 1988 relinquished its statutory rights in favour of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 when the said provisions were brought into force albeit POCA 2002 received Royal Assent on 24 July 2002. POCA 2002 is divided into 12 parts consisting of over 460 sections and 12 schedules. Part 2 concerns confiscation orders in criminal proceedings. Contained within POCA 2002 there is not a single word of…

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The Legality of Joint-Enterprise Convictions in England and Wales by Giovanni Di Stefano

Parere Pro Veritate 1. In 2002, I, together with Peter Kelson QC (now HHJ Kelson), the late Dr David Thomas QC, Alex Dos Santos and Jonathan Lennon successfully argued before the then Vice President of the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division Lord Justice Rose that the conviction of Nicholas Van Hoogstraten of ‘joint-enterprise’ verdict of manslaughter should be quashed. 2. Subsequently, aided by Geoffrey Cox QC (now the Attorney General) his retrial produced a verdict on the orders of…

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Coming Soon: You the Jury…

OPC Global news and media are pleased to announce that we are in the process of working on a programme coming soon ‘You the Jury’ together with our website www.youthejury.tv  and we will update our readers on this project in the near future. However,  please find below a glimpse of a production planned and posted on Youtube 8/11/2009 –The Devil’s Advocate on Vimeo ‘THE APPEAL WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED’

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Diary from the Inside 21 November – 10 December 2018 part 128 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 21 November 2018 08.16pm – Today I met two very good lawyers from Wells Burcombe, who came to deal with adjudications. It was nice chatting to young, but very capable, lawyers about the profession. They are both very intelligent and good advocates. The rest of the day I spent drafting a petition to Parliament on what were IPP sentences. Boy, this Government has a problem with the English language – what does abolish mean to you? It means…

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Essex Crime Writer Controversially Jailed in 2012 Seeks Judicial Review for ‘IPP’ Sentences Abolished In 2012 by Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford

Essex crime writer Terry Smith has issued a Judicial Review against the Ministry of Justice to review how IPP sentences are administered. Smith, who was controversially convicted and sentenced in 2010 after a failed trial resulting in the Jury refusing to convict, to an ‘Indeterminate Public Protection’ sentence with a minimum of 12 years, contends in his  Judicial Review that those who have committed murder when they were under 18 have had their release mechanism criteria changed from the…

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Chicco Forti: An Examination of Guilt in the U.S. Murder Case by Giovanni Di Stefano

Background Enrico “Chicco” Forti was a successful Italian television producer and windsurfing champion who moved to Miami, Florida. In 1998, he was accused of murdering Dale Pike, the son of Anthony Pike, with whom Forti was negotiating the purchase of Pike’s failing hotel. Dale Pike was found dead on a beach in Miami, shot twice in the head. Forti was arrested and subsequently convicted of first-degree murder in 2000. Dale Pike and Enrico “Chicco” Forti 1988 Forensic Evidence The…

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“The Day She Woke Up with a Face Full of Wrinkles” by Caroline A. Bayford

“The Day She Woke Up with a Face Full of Wrinkles”   contains humour in its contemplation of the evolution of facial features over time and the reflections on aging and self-acceptance. This humorous TV/editorial series explores themes of aging, self-reflection, and the stories behind our physical changes as we grow older. The blend of humour and introspection in this narrative makes for an engaging and relatable TV/editorial series that resonates with viewers of various ages. The passage of time…

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Giovanni Di Stefano Confirms Entering The Forthcoming European Parliamentary Elections

GIOVANNI DI STEFANO the Political Secretary of Partito Nazionale Italiano confirmed today that he would put his name forward as a candidate for the forthcoming European Parliamentary Election in Italy Mr Di Stefano stated: “I satisfy all the necessary Regulatory criteria and will file the appropriate documentation this month. It will be for the electorate to decide bearing in mind that all Parliamentarians work and speak for the citizens. The guiding principles of my party have not changed since…

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Will The 1984 Unsolved Murder of Janice Weston Ever be Resolved? By Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford

Since 2010 we have been investigating  this murder and invested a lot of time in researching the murder of Janice Weston we are aiming to produce a documentary to shed light on the motive behind this brutal murder. The ultimate goal is to identify the motive and perpetrator behind Janice Weston’s 19th century historical brutal murder case and need to raise 250,000 euros  to complete the project if any of our readers could share our gofundme or donate we…

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