Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development

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Lately – version – by Giovanni Di Stefano and Chrissy Caine

  Music has always been my vocation and hopefully, it’s not too late to continue my vocation of music in the near future. This song is dedicated to my family whose time I have taken without leave. Especially, to my mother who forced me to learn music from the age of eight and my father, the true singer of the family, sadly now passed away but watching over me, who dug many a garden to pay for my lessons….

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Ti Lascio Una Canzone – version – by Giovanni Di Stefano

  Music has always been my vocation and hopefully, it’s not too late to continue my vocation of music in the near future. This song is dedicated to my family whose time I have taken without leave. Especially, to my mother who forced me to learn music from the age of eight and my father, the true singer of the family, sadly now passed away but watching over me, who dug many a garden to pay for my lessons….

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The Next Time – version – by Giovanni Di Stefano

Music has always been my vocation and hopefully, it’s not too late to continue my vocation of music in the near future. This song is dedicated to my family whose time I have taken without leave. Especially, to my mother who forced me to learn music from the age of eight and my father, the true singer of the family, sadly now passed away but watching over me, who dug many a garden to pay for my lessons. I…

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The Presidents Tale: Man Raped By ‘Banana’ By Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford

Canaan Sodindo Banana was born in 1936 in Zimbabwe then known as Rhodesia. He went to a missionary school and became ordained as a Methodist Minister in 1962. He was a liberation theologist, a movement which used socialist principles of Christ to promote the rights of the poor. Canaan Banana began the dangerous policy of preaching against the racist-white regime of Ian Smith. He wrote an updated version of the Lord’s Prayer with such lines as:

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Diary from the Inside 1 June – 15 July 2020 Part 155 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Monday 1 June 2020 08.51 pm – So, I have to ask myself the question: – I am falsely held in custody by the State and it does actually get to me – so who can I call at nearly 9 pm to get things off my chest? You got the answer right, first time – after seven effing years plus three months – I don’t know, probably no one notwithstanding, I must have forty numbers cleared on my…

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