Thursday 1 April 2021
01.20 pm – April Fool’s Day and the joke is on me big time, cooped up 23 hours a day for eff all. I hope all those responsible for this conspiracy against me sleep at night because their conscience makes a coward of them. I refuse point blank to hate and will follow the example of Mandela to forgive all – that I do!
Friday 2 April 2021
04.13 pm – Its Good Friday although what is ‘good’ about it I don’t know. Everyone here is trying to give me advice but an old despot once said to me that ‘wise men don’t need advice and fools take advice for all and sundry! How sad a life I have caused to others in my family. How sad a life I lead, I have seen no one for over 8 years – even Mandela had a visit every 6 months, I guess it’s not meant to be.
Saturday 3 April 2021
02.49 pm – If you read the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5, verse 25 – 26, and Luke Chapter 20 verse 52 – 57, the Gospel says that until you pay every penny of your fine you stay in jail. However, what it does not say is what if one cannot pay – do you still, remain in jail? Debtors’ prisons were abolished in the mid-1800s or so I thought, but the reality is somewhat different. They still exist today almost 200 years after they were abolished. But there is a stark threat in the Bible to Judges – read Luke 20 verses 48 – 49 …It is in the Bible!!!!
Sunday 4 April 2021
12.01 pm – The day has started more or less OK. Last night I had the dreaded chest pains and a burning question ‘do you want to join your dad Gio?’ and my answer after some hesitation was ‘not yet…but.’ This morning with the sun shining brightly I feel better and because yesterday I took my 6th covid test (all others negative) so I have to wait another 7 days before I´m out o isolation. What the hell is the point of 14 days quarantine every time you move from prison to prison, is beyond me. It is used as a punishment not Medick and how my access to my lawyer has been stopped is also beyond me but these days there is no rule of law. There is a misrule of no law. Then again what can one expect from a rogue state that has no respect for international law or even its own domestic law? What can I do? That is why I hesitated when a voice from the wilderness asked me if I wanted to join my father? There is an argument for an affirmative reply.
Monday 5 April 2021
02.15 pm – I do not know if you knew but Leonardo Da Vinci only completed his paintings and two murals but left over 4,000 drawings on paper – I wonder if someone has ever thought of completing at least one of his drawings? Easter Monday – This morning I woke up at 7.30 am and did not know where I was. I had to think hard where the showers were to put together, I was in Huntercombe. Worrying. Still no MRI scan ordered on urgent basis on 28 February by my GP.
Tuesday 6 April 2021
16.12 pm – The heating has broken down so as a result brrrr but I must just accept all that is thrown at me an d deal with it. There was a comment from the BBC saying, “that 20,000 people a year die of the flu – but life as normal continues!!!!” What else can I add? I wrote to Pope Francis about my situation. In 2007 when I was received by Pope Benedict regarding Tariq Aziz the last words spoken to me before the audience ended were that if ever, I needed “help or guidance” to call the Holy See. That I now need.”
Wednesday 7 April 2021
04.21 pm – I was able to have a legal visit today and I think that all is pretty much clear. Frankly, I have lost faith in the law – I really should not but all the signs are that the rogue government disregards the law and just wants to hold me in jail as long as they can, and probably I have fallen in the trap of even recognising the Courts but look next week is my target date anyway and after that I feel sorry only for my mother who won’t get a chance to see me. I believe that I have the wrong priorities, the courts should be last but I am a man of the law so I can’t help relying on the law first, only a week to go.
Thursday 8 April 2021
06.02 pm – Yesterday was the anniversary of the death in 1199 of Richard I (the Lion Heart) who died in France and had his heart buried in a place in Anton Othello than his body. Although he was King of England, he ruled for 10 years out of which he was only in England for six months as he hated the country. Need I say more….!
Friday 9 April 2021
- Hypocrisy is the tribute vice must always pay to the virtue
- A silly woman can manage a clever man, but it takes a clever woman to manage a fool.
- Every government requires shepherds and butchers.
All that being said the heating is still not fixed after 5 cold nights, but you know what, even that won’t break my spirit.
Please click on my music video to get the link for my music on YouTube, daily there will be new videos uploaded onto the link enjoy….