Friday 1 October 2021
19.03 – Royal blackmail press release issued – we will see what we reaction there is.
Saturday 2 October 2021
13.24 – Nothing in this awful country but rain, rain, rain, and more rain.
Sunday 3 October 2021
19.36 – All the people that have influenced my life are now dead with the passing away of my uncle the other day. – both my maternal and paternal grandparents; my father, last man standing – for now!
Monday 4 October 2021
19.15 – Nothing to report really other than Caroline is ill, and today is the last day that I really should have been released, accepting all the crap and bullshit dates and warrants but even the Independent Monitoring Board have criticised the government for keeping people in jail over their time.
Tuesday 5 October 2021
21.46 – Caroline is ill hospital. I pray to God that she gets better. Too much work issues too much pressure.
Wednesday 6 October 2021
21.39 – Things are getting better. Caroline is OK (ish) but like most women she won’t listen to medical advice Arrr! but she will get better so that is great.
Thursday 7 October 2021
18.55 – Things appear to be moving in the right direction, thanks to my son going to the court for me.
Friday 8 October 2021
19.45 – Incredible Caroline has gone from intensive care on Saturday to home today. will she listen not to overdo things and take it easy? Will she hell!!! a lot has happened today for the good thanks to the face-to-face efforts of my son Michael.
Saturday 9 October 2021
21.25 – Watching “Strictly Come Dancing” I think I made a mistake not doing the show in 2006 – 7.
Sunday 10 October 2021
20.04 – I keep saying this but let’s hope next week will be liberating for us all.
Monday 11 October 2021
16.37 – Some alarming news for me from healthcare. I may have to rethink out my future plans.
Tuesday 12 October 2021
We have a date for my appeal at Southwark Crown Court – Friday at 10:30 am. let’s hope for the best.
Wednesday 13 October 2021
18.11 – The last two days have been the most stressful I have had in the last nine years. some confidential information has come my way which is hopeful but… can anyone trust these people???
Thursday 14 October 2021
19.21 – There is confusion over what is happening tomorrow whether I am required in court or not. more confusion!!!
Friday 15 October 2021
12.54 – HHJ Baumgartner was very fair today. We move forward with strength.
Saturday 16 October 2021
12.10 – I’m studying, studying, studying. I want to get it 100% right.
Sunday 17 October 2021
17.15 – This whole situation is not going to work out. I need to talk to Caroline about alternatives. I’m stuck here and don’t feel as if I’m going anywhere, and nothing is moving forward at the appropriate pace. Need somehow to have some control over my affairs. the question is how?
Monday 18 October 2021
07.25 – The only update I have is that I need to make a decision about all those around me, as I feel I am causing them grief and, in some cases, making them ill with the stress of my case. It’s okay for me to get stressed and get ill, because I have caused my own worries, but it is not okay for others to suffer as I do. That means this week I need to be brave and take the right decision.
17.21 – Finally I get to see a real honest upright decent lawyer Karen Todner who is holidaying in the Maldives and when she is back may help, and by God I need help
Tuesday 19 October 2021
07.12 – Woke up early today, don’t know why really. But I do know that I must now have a claim for false imprisonment against the government
Wednesday 20 October 2021
19.01 – Mathew 7 Verse 24 read and digest its meaning.
Thursday 21 October 2021
19.14 – A great day and a novel approach.
Friday 22 October 2021
19.18 – All in all a really great day today. Watch this space.
Saturday 23 October 2021
21.34 – Not such a bad day. Had spaghetti Bolognese -delicious.
Sunday 24 October 2021
18.29 – My opinion, is sought by the Prison Reform Trust and the Judicial Committee of the House of Commons on IPP sentences. Wow!!!
Monday 25 October 2021
19.45 – Saw Donald MacIntyre on a visit the first I have had in four years. right nice actually to see a live person as opposed to video calls. Yes, they are important but so are face to face meetings.
Tuesday 26 October 2021
18.29 – Yet another reasonably good day on the afternoon I had a great recap, and it was nice.
Wednesday 27 October 2021
18.13 – If my life is measured by its incessant some ups and downs, well today was very much a down.
Thursday 28 October 2021
19.01 – Another weird day. Tomorrow “should” be better. Although, better implies an optimism I can’t feel.
Friday 29 October 2021
19.23 – Let’s see what today brings – sweet FA!!! (Sorry for the sarcasm but it’s reality) this is a case of two beings having locked horns and each party reuses to move. I won’t budge that is for sure in the meantime let’s see wag go on!!!!
Saturday 30 October 2021
11.13 – I was thinking this morning I wonder if in say 100 years’ time one of my grandchildren or great, great, grandchildren will go on TV programmes like “who do you think you are” and research my life? Just thinking? What kind of legacy or memories do we wish to leave? That is the question!!!
Sunday 31 October 2021
18.51 – Many things have happened today out of my rat trap, but here sweet FA I have just taken these two days of the weekend as a kind of mental and physical holiday. Now tomorrow at “Rolls Inn” where I work, I will probably put risotto Milanese on the menu with chicken and pasta with tuna. You see when its cold people like to eat hot meals and pasta is filling tomorrow, I will also see my lawyer again.