The Semper Occultus Secrets of Iraq by Giovanni Di Stefano
On March 20th, 2003, a US/UK-led coalition stormed into Iraq in an invasion with the codename ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom.’ The War, known by Iraqis as the occupation, would remove President Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party from power
Whilst the ‘War’ officially ended in May 2003, Iraq remains suffering a brutal and bloody insurrection if not civil war.
What the US/UK wanted was the regime, change, and control of any product that Iraq was capable of providing.
The United States and the British Government had been planning regime change in Iraq long before George W Bush and Tony Blair came to power.
In January 1998, the so-called ‘Think-Tank’ project for the new American Century (PNAC) wrote a letter to then-President Clinton calling for Saddam Hussein to be removed from power.
The letter can be revealed and stated: –
“If Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction the safety of US troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the World’s supply of oil will be put at hazard.”
It is, however, interesting to note the identity of the first signatory of the letter.
It was, none other than, Elliott Abrams the very man who had escaped prison in 1991 by pleading guilty to failing to tell Congress that he had solicited a $10 Million contribution for the right-wing Nicaraguan Contra Rebels, from the Sultan of Brunei.
He was pardoned by none other than George H W Bush in 1992.
At the time of the PNAC letter, Abrams was President of the ethics and public policy centre; and in February 2005 George W Bush made him the Deputy National Security Advisor, with special responsibility for his strategy for incredibly: – ‘Democracy.’
There were of course other signatories: –
John Bolton, who was later the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control under George W Bush and the US Ambassador to the UN.
Richard Perle was a former assistant Defence Secretary under President Reagan and later Chairman of the Defence Policy Board until, of course, his resignation in 2003 over allegations of conflict of interest.
Donald Rumsfeld, a former Defence Secretary who had met Saddam Hussein officially twice, but in reality, 23 times during the period he was Ronal Reagan’s Special Envoy during the first Gulf War.
Paul Wofowitz, in the George H W Bush Administration, was the Under Secretary of Defence to Dick Cheney and, who became President of the World Bank.
There was a further letter from the PNAC again with all the above as signatories – that can also be revealed – this time sent to the speaker of the US House of Representatives and a copy to the Leader of the US Senate in May 1998.
The contents of the letter can be revealed and stated: –
“We should establish and maintain a strong US Military Presence in the Region and be prepared to use that force to protect our vital interests in the Gulf – and, if necessary to help remove Saddam from power.”
In 2000, the PNAC produced a report called ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses (RAD)’ which stated: –
“While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”
Was it a coincidence that the person who was the author of RAD was, in fact, Thomas Donelly, who became the Director of Strategic Communications at Lockheed Martin the World’s largest defence contractor?
Strangely, other contributors were: –
Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, formerly, the under Secretary of the State for defence under George H W Bush and subsequently Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney and, Paul Wolfowitz, who supervised the writing of the much controversial ‘Defense Policy Guidance’ in 1992.
Amongst other issues, the ‘Defence Policy Guidance’ clearly stated the US must use military power to protect: –
“Access to vital raw materials, primarily Persian Gulf oil.”
The co-chairman of PNAC, another contributor to RAD, made a statement to reporter Jay Bookman in September 2002. He made the position crystal clear but at the time no one made anything of it except the British Government under Tony Blair. He stated: –
“When we have economic problems, it’s been caused by disruptions in our oil supply. If we have a force in Iraq, there will be no disruptions in oil supplies.”
For the sake of completeness, it was veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner who asked UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on January 15th, 2003, just three days before US/UK forces attacked Iraq, a soul-searching question: –
“Is the imminent War on Iraq all about America getting their hands on the oil supplies in the Middle East?”
In his usual mendacious fashion, Blair replied to what was: –
“The conspiracy theory idea that this is somehow to do with oil.”
Blair the Prime Minister known for his constant use of mendacity and often referred to as Tony Bliar added: –
“It would be infinitely simpler to cut a deal with Saddam, who I’m sure would be delighted to give us access to as much oil as we wanted if he could carry on building Weapons of Mass Destructions.”
He would know, the Reagan Administration was the best friend of Saddam Hussein. In one memo by the US State Department dated 9th May 1984 and seen by Giovanni Di Stefano – The lawyer who defended the Iraqi Regime between 2005-2011 at various trials in Iraq – said that the US was reviewing its policy: –
“On the sale of certain dual-use items to Iraq nuclear entities.”
And that: –
“Preliminary results favour expanding such trade to include Iraqi nuclear entities.”
Regarding other so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), a little-known Senate Committee into US Export policy to Iraq concluded in 1994 that: –
“The United States provided the Government of Iraq with ‘dual use’ (civilian and military) licensed material which assisted in the development of Iraqi chemical, biological and missile system programs.”
These ‘materials’ included: –
“Chemical warfare-agent precursors, chemical warfare-agent production-facility plans and technical drawings, chemical warfare filling equipment, biological-warfare-related materials, missile fabrication equipment, and missile guidance equipment.”
Between 1985 and 1991, the US Department of Commerce granted 771 licenses for exporting dual-use items to Iraq, of the 771 licenses, 277 were supplied by the United Kingdom.
Between 1991 – 2003 a staggering 1122 imports of dual-use items were sent to Iraq some transited from the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Australia.
The US/UK were supplying Saddam Hussein with the very ‘items’ that they accused him of having.
In January 2003 President Bush told the US Senate: –
‘The regime is seeking a nuclear bomb and the fissile material could build one within one year. The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa and had documents to prove Iraq has uranium oxide sold to Iraq by Niger.’
US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, refused to sanction this statement which is why he refused to add this allegation to the UN Security Council a week previously.
The CIA Director George Tenet delayed the speech that Bush had given three months previously; on the basis it was untrue.
On this allegation, the United Kingdom would be left in the cold and many SIS-MI6 agents left disillusioned with the Government. It was simply a lie too many.
The UN weapons inspector David Albright, further discredited photos of Iraq Nuclear sites, that Colin Powell presented to the UN as ‘years old.’ They were, he stated, “Complete nonsense.”
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continually asked the UK for copies of the documents but were only given to them in late February 2003.
On 7th March 2003 – Eleven days before the War began – The IAEA Director-General told the UN Security Council that the Niger documented was ‘not authentic.’ They were, clearly, forged dates, titles, and names of Government Ministers were incorrect, and words were misspelled.
It was the work of three disillusioned MI6 Officers who knew the documents were forged but who made sure such forgeries would be known to the World.
Those three SIS Officers were to suffer severely at the hands of their paymasters.
In April 2002 Blair made the decision to support Bush at their meeting in Crawford.
The then head of the SIS-MI6 Richard Dearlove had simultaneous talks with CIA Director George Tenet. An MI6 Officer leaked to the Sunday Times in late April 2005 (published 1 May 2005) the Minutes of the meeting between the two spy chiefs:
“There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD, but the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
Jack Straw, the then Foreign Secretary and Diplomatic Head of SIS-MI6 was not happy at sustaining the mendacity of Tony Blair.
He wrote: –
“The case for War was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than Libya, North Korea or Iran.”
Straw, a lawyer, argued that UN Inspectors should be brought back in and if he refused then, and only then, could there be a legal justification for War.
Lord Goldsmith was the Attorney General at the time. He told the meeting that: –
“The desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There are three legal grounds only – Self defence, intervention to end a humanitarian crisis and/or a new resolution for the UN Security Council.”
He made clear only the: –
“Last might apply to Iraq; to rely on an existing UN Resolution would be difficult to sustain.”
On July 17th, 2002, Tony Blair told a packed House of Commons on military action against Iraq: –
“As I say constantly, no decisions have yet been taken.”
That was Tony Bliair’s biggest lie. It would be the lie of lies that would cause the destruction and desolation of Iraq and almost a million casualties.
According to Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair did not even have a mobile phone until he left office as Prime Minister in 2007.
Campbell said that when Blair did buy a mobile device, he sent his first text message which simply said: ‘This.’ A minute or two later, came the next text that added: –
“Is just amazing.”
Then a third: – ‘You can send words and everything.’
The reason why Blair did not own a mobile phone in Office, was that Blair himself had ordered GCHQ and the then head of the SIS-MI6 Richard Dearlove to: –
“Intrusively survey all members of the Cabinet, support staff and the top military officers as well as a list of 126 MPS whom he deemed required telephone interceptions.”
He, of course, was exempt because he had no phone and as such nothing to intercept.
For certain communications, he would use his wife’s mobile and even those of his children. Those phones were not on the list.
It was no wonder that Tony Blair has used all his so-called skills at delaying the publication of the Iraq Inquiry report by Chilcot which had already been ‘seen’ by the SIS-MI6 Chief and, which is heavily critical of several named Labour political figures and seriously questions the veracity and ‘genuine honesty’ of certain statements made by Blair to Parliament.
Covert intelligence suggests that the Labour shadow Cabinet and the Tory-Lib coalition, had approached Chilcot himself not to release the report until after the 2015 General Election, but Chilcot responded by saying the report would be published when ‘all the dots and all tees were in respective order regardless of the political agenda.’
The true extent of Blair’s mendacity over Iraq was also exemplified when in September 2002 the British Government put forward a dossier on Iraq. There were lots of incredible claims but the most incredible was that Saddam Hussein intended to use biological and chemical weapons and that: –
“Some of these weapons were deployable within 45 minutes of an order to use them.”
A second dossier was quick to follow in February 2003 called aptly: –
“Iraq: – Its infrastructure of concealment, deception, and intimidation, which claimed to be founded on a number of sources including ‘intelligence material’.”
Those sources were in fact, entirely manufactured by SIS-MI6 researchers from its headquarters in Vauxhall, London, and perfected in a rented flat opposite the Washington Hotel in Mayfair.
Incredibly, the bulk of the February dossier was directly copied from three previously published articles and not as reported from a Ph.D. thesis.
Two articles came from ‘Jane’s Intelligence Report’ A great source for the British Security Services and with contributions from Resident Agents – and the third again directly cribbed from a post-graduate student Ibrahim Al-Marashi, based on Iraqi documents captured in the 1991 Gulf War, and also incredibly available on the internet. https://baudrillardstudies.ubishops.ca/the-2003-iraq-war-did-not-take-place.
The only changes were that numbers had been increased or rounded up, and certain words changed a ploy taught to every would-be SIS-MI6 agent.
This was a ‘job’ that MI6 was given by the direct orders of Tony Blair, to back up a decision that had already been taken
The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee concentrated solely on the clearly absurd and plagiarised documents masqueraded as ‘Intelligence’ and the now famous phrase ‘sexed up’ but the reality was that the task the SIS-MI6 had was to ensure that computers used, to produce and emit ‘intelligence,’ wholly corresponded and corroborated what was already the decision taken by Blair and Bush to Attack Iraq.
In 2005 the SIS-MI6 would send its best and most experienced Agent to Iraq to safeguard and further encrypt historic information to support the so-called Intelligence.
When that Agent refused to continue it would spell the Agent’s demise in due course. The Agent, however, made an accurate log of documents and historic agreement, clearly exemplifying the attack on Iraq and, regime change was on the agenda for years and, that two British Prime Ministers had been involved with Tony Blair taking the initiative long before George W Bush came to power.
For months after the ‘occupation’, the Iraq survey group headed by the former UN Weapons Inspector David Kay, with a staff of over 1500 scientists, military and intelligence experts combed metre by metre Iraq for weapons of mass destruction.
In September 2004, they concluded that there were no WMD that were left in Iraq at the time of the invasion. All of Saddam’s stockpiles had actually been destroyed in 1991 and its facilities and programmes dismantled by 1996.
Seven SIS-MI6 researchers under covert employment as ‘civil servants’ were demoted, over the debacle of the ‘dodgy dossier’ whilst three of MI6-SIS senior ranking covert agents would pay a heavier price.
One was assassinated in Jordan on his way to Iraq; another exiled to France only to return years later under a ‘control order’ ensuring the Agent’s compliance and silence, whilst one would be prosecuted on false charges and ultimately jailed for a record two figure prison term.
George W Bush retired to his beloved Texas and paints the odd picture, whilst Tony Blair became a multi-millionaire in return for his silence over Iraq. All attempts to prosecute him have failed to date.
Iraq has more than one million displaced citizens and the figure dead or injured, almost one million. There was still electricity, waterpower cuts because of a lack of fuel and infrastructure.
Dick Cheney the Vice President under George W Bush was also the Chief Executive of Halliburton Corporation. Between 1995 and 2000, he earned $44 million in salary. Halliburton received $11 Billion worth of contracts for work in Iraq out of $150 Billion that was transferred from the Pentagon to private contractors.
So, what was the prize in all of this human tragedy?
There is simply a lot of oil in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein failed to avail himself to an offer he should and could not have refused.
The official proven reserves in Iraq are known to be in the region of 112 billion barrels. That is the amount ‘approved’ by both the CIA and MI6 and sanctioned by both the US and UK governments.
The true proven amount was actually 220 billion barrels of oil.
Both the US and the UK were in fact stealing 108 billion barrels from Iraq in a covert manner.
In September 2002, a story was planted in the reputable Washington Post which reported that removing Saddam Hussein from office, would herald a ‘Bonanza’ for American oil companies.
Since 2003, the United States and the United Kingdom are not only paying ‘subsidised prices’ for oil from Iraq but for every two barrels received, a third one without paying – free.
Russia, France, and China had agreed on oil concessions with Saddam Hussein since 1998 which they would have developed once sanctions were fully lifted.
Once Saddam was ousted, Faisal Qaragholi, the London-based Director of the exiled Iraqi National Congress and, a ‘secondary support MI6 associate’ said that once Saddam was gone for good and the Baath Party destroyed, Iraq and the inc. was not bound by the agreements with Russia, France, or China, he made clear the position: –
“American companies will have a big shot of Iraq oil.”
That is exactly what has occurred.
A few days prior to the attack on Iraq, President Bush published on his White House website under a banner ‘Iraq: Denial and Deception,’ the priority. He warned the Iraqis not to destroy the oil wells describing them as: –
“A source of wealth that belongs to the Iraqi people.”
It may have belonged to the people of Iraq but care, custody, and control, was very much vested in the US and UK Oil Companies.
Where did Saddam Hussein go wrong? In 1998 a top SIS-MI6 agent was sent to Iraq on the guise of a trade deal involving Iraqi Airways and met the Iraqi President with an offer he should not have refused.
The United States helped to keep the House of Saudi in power in return for the Saudi ruler helping to keep oil prices stable, and for spending its Petro-dollars in the United States and ‘not more than 17% in the United Kingdom.’
The Saudis invested heavily in US/UK Government Securities and used both US/UK firms to build new cities and infrastructure in Saudi Arabia. The King on the cake, of course, was the defence contracts Saudi Arabia awards to US/UK companies together with, the kick-back bribes for doing so.
In 1998 the SIS-MI6 Agent offered Saddam a similar deal together with the offer of cheap loans with the World Bank.
Saddam Hussein reported the SIS-MI6 Agent to his Chief at the yellow and green pile of blocks known as ‘Legoland.’
“Appeared impassive and mellow showing no enthusiasm for this offer.”
The SIS-MI6 Agent was ordered to concoct a meeting at the Al-Rashid Hotel with Osama Bin Laden. The Agent obeyed and stories became rife that Osama Bin Laden had been in Baghdad.
Dick Cheney shortly before the attack on Iraq spoke of the terrorist threat that Iraq posed. Cheney spoke of ‘overwhelming evidence’ connecting Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi Government.
Condoleezza Rice said: –
“There clearly are contacts between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that can be documented,” Rice told CNN that.
“Saddam Hussein coverts with terrorists.” President Bush went further.
“We know that Iraq and Al-Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back – Alliance with terrorists could allow the Iraqi Regime to attack America without leaving any fingerprint.”
In September 2002 Donald Rumsfeld spoke of ‘bullet-proof- CIA evidence of Al-Qaeda presence in Iraq. Even in 2004, both Bush and Cheney were still insisting there was a strong Iraq-Al-Qaeda connection.
The SIS-MI6 Agent had done his work well. His story of having met Osama Bin Laden in Baghdad, close to Richard Butler the Australian UN Emissary to Baghdad, made the international news rounds.
It was the story that lit the match for the attack on Iraq five years later.
Had Saddam Hussein accepted the offer of keeping the oil prices stable and cheap World Bank loans, then history would have elected Saddam Hussein as a friend of the West and his regime, which lasted the tale of time.
What Saddam did next though would seal his fate forever.
In 2000 Saddam Hussein switched to selling oil from US dollars to Euros which increased Iraqi profits as the Euro rose against the US dollar. When in 2003 the US put Iraqi oil back on the open market it switched the currency back to US Dollars.
Iran has also sold oil in Euros since 2003 and North Korea ditched dollars for Euros since 2002. It is no wonder both countries are US targets.
The level of determination to attack Iraq by the US and UK is no better exemplified than in the manner the British SIS-MI6 dealt with Lord Goldsmith the then-Attorney General.
By the end of 2002, Saddam Hussein decided to allow the UN weapons inspectors back into Iraq, following, of course, threats from Bush and Blair that the US/UK would take military action if he failed to disarm.
Reports from Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix led to a bitter debate as to whether Iraq was in fact in ‘material breach,’ of its obligations to disarm. Saddam Hussein insisted that, how could he disarm when he had no arms with which to disarm. The UN Security Council were wholly divided with China, France, and Russia wanting a diplomatic solution whilst the US and UK sought any reason to attack.
On the British side, there was one major obstacle to overcome. Attorney General Lord Goldsmith continued to argue that regime change could not ever legally be the aim of War, and on March 7th, 2003, he delivered a 13-page opinion to that effect to Tony Blair.
Together with several other caveats. He made clear that to be lawful and to attack Iraq would necessitate a second UN Security Council resolution specifically backing the use of force.
Lord Goldsmith was invited to Washington where he met with the CIA Director and special Agent from the British SIS-MI6 –the same Agent that had made the offer to Saddam Hussein in 1998 – The very offer he refused.
Lord Goldsmith like most people had ‘things to hide’ in his private life. When confronted with one such incident, it was made clear that the ‘incident’ would be ‘buried’ if he would ‘seriously reconsider and re-evaluate’ the opinion he delivered to Tony Blair a few days previously. The alternative would be that the ‘incident’ would be delivered to the “News of the World’ the paper that subsequently was forced to close because of phone hacking.
Lord Goldsmith knew that the SIS-MI6 Agent was well connected to both the Sunday Times and the News of the World, having had stories in both papers including the meeting with Bin Laden in Baghdad, and the financing of the Conservative Party.
On his return to the UK Lord Goldsmith reduced and re-evaluated his legal opinion and condensed it down to one side of A4 paper, stating that it was ‘unequivocal’ that War against Iraq was legal.
That is what the UK Cabinet were told on 17 March 2003.
Only Tony Blair knew the truth as to how that opinion had been obtained.
War began the next day.
Lord Goldsmith’s secret remained a secret.
What off Saddam Hussein?
The World knows he was executed on 29 December 2006.
On 29 December 2003 the US Administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer announced to a press conference: – ‘We got him.’
No one needed telling who Bremer was referring to and the whole room erupted in cheers. It was, of course, Saddam Hussein.
According to the official story, Saddam was found near the small Iraqi town of Ad-Dawr, ten miles south of his hometown Tikrit. Around 600 US Troops were searching through the area of darkness, when they spotted a small walled compound that held a mud hut, in that hut, beneath a tatty camouflage of bricks and carpet, was a ‘spider hole.’ Just as the troops were about to throw a grenade into the hole a figure emerged.
“My name is Saddam Hussein. I am the President of Iraq and I want to negotiate.” He is alleged to have said.
“Regards from President Bush,” replied the Commanding US Officer. It was 20.36, Saturday, December 13th, 2003.
The script was worthy of any blockbuster directed by the greats like Steven Spielberg.
“Was it Saddam Hussein or was it a US actor staged to ‘ease the emotional and military pressure by American forces and give new momentum to President Bust just when he needed this kind of event,” rhetorically said the SIS-MI6 Agent to an Arab news correspondent?
DNA results evidencing the identity of Saddam Hussein were taken and came back within hours. It was really him the tests concluded.
Such tests take far longer than 24 hours let alone a few hours.
The photo of the US Military around the spider hole was a photo montage. But as with the ‘dodgy dossier’ and other documents forged and falsified, the necessary care and attention were not adequately sufficient to detail.
A nearby palm tree held a cluster of yellow dates – the very colour they would be in the summer.
By December the dates would have long since ripened to dark brown.
Far from being an enemy, Saddam Hussein was very much a friend of the United States until like most; he became disillusioned with the audacious attitude of Washington DC.
Was it him on the gallows on 29th December 2006? To answer the question, one needs first to understand the history of Saddam Hussein and a number of US Presidents.
George W Bush was not the first American President to have carried out ‘regime change’ in Iraq. In 1963, the CIA under the orders of President John Kennedy was behind a successful coup in Baghdad, carried out in collaboration with a young man called: – Saddam Hussein.
The CIA was indeed involved in the overthrow of General Abdel Karim Qasim who had deposed the pro-western Iraqi Monarchy in 1958. At first, the repressive regime of Qasim was tolerated by President Eisenhower because he was opposed to Egypt’s Colonel Nasser.
But in 1959, Qasim suddenly withdrew Iraq from the anti-Soviet Baghdad pact, began to buy arms from the Russians, and gave Iraqi Government posts to communists.
In 1959, Saddam Hussein made a failed assassination attempt on behalf of the CIA. Success would have brought Saddam riches and the Presidential Crown of Iraq.
In 1962 and 1963 Saddam Hussein worked closely with the CIA when Qasim was successfully deposed and quickly shot dead after a hasty trial.
On the day that the new regime took power in Iraq, President Kennedy received a memo from a member of the National Security Council.
“This is almost certainly a gain for our side.”
The Baath Party began a systematic campaign to simply murder communists using lists not only by the CIA but also by the SIS-MI6.
All the killings were presided over by no other than Saddam Hussein.
He subsequently became the head of the Baath party and kept safeguarded the lists that clearly show, they emanated from the CIA and SIS-MI6.
General Abdel Karim Qasim
In 2003 agents searched meticulously for the list and the reason the US failed to proceed to Baghdad in the first Gulf War was, the threat from Saddam Hussein to publish the list if President George H W Bush advanced to Baghdad.
In 1963 the new regime was armed by the US and UK and companies such as Bechtel, British Petroleum, and Mobil were soon in Baghdad doing business.
In 1968 there was another coup totally bloodless which brought Baath party General Ahmed Hassan Al-Bakr to power.
One of his relatives was, of course, Saddam Hussein who became Vice President and in 1979 President after General Ahmed stood down.
The list though remained with Saddam. He would use it in the coming years to attain great support and riches for his country.
In 2006 it saved his life.
Giovanni Di Stefano
19 April 2014
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