
We republish our article dated 15 November 2022 on the investigation by the Italian prosecutors into Labour Leader Sir Kier Starmer.
An official “denuncia” made by controversial lawyer known as the ‘real’ devil’s advocate, Giovanni Di Stefano, could lead the Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer and, a top Crown Court Judge David Aaronberg and, others to an Italian prison cell of up to ten years.
An official “denuncia” made by controversial lawyer known as the ‘real’ devil’s advocate, Giovanni Di Stefano, could lead the Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer and, a top Crown Court Judge David Aaronberg and, others to an Italian prison cell of up to ten years.
The “denuncia” claims that Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer, then head of the Crown Prosecution Service “knew,” or should have known, but in any case, “responsible” for violation of Article 476 and 478 of the Italian Criminal Code, namely, the falsification of documents for Court purposes.
The ‘real’ devil’s advocate was convicted in March 2013 at Southwalk Crown Court, on what many believed to have included politically motivated charges. The Jury and the Judge were presented with a false “PNC” – Police National Computer – entry which created false offences supposedly committed by the lawyer but have subsequently proved to be false.
A legal source who has worked on cases with Giovanni Di Stefano said, “he was well and truly stitched up with an absurd conviction and a monstrous sentence, and what was even then clearly a false PNC.”
The denuncia explains that Di Stefano only found out about the falsity in 2018, when the prison service and an “honest prison officer” obtained the real PNC, as the prison wanted to send Di Stefano to an open prison, and police reports and antecedents were required.
“This has created acute embarrassment for the judiciary who may very well have been themselves hood winked by rouge police and security service officers,” said another legal source.
Sir Kier Starmer was at the time head of the CPS and did have some knowledge of the case against Di Stefano.
“HHJ Aaronberg, as he is now known, was at the time the Prosecutor in my case, who was either himself fooled into putting the false PNC in or he knew about it,” said Di Stefano.
A further twist to the strange prosecution of Di Stefano is that in the last year the trial Judge Alistair McCreath, and the chief police officer who prosecuted Di Stefano, Jerry Walters, both died in mysterious circumstances, and within weeks of each other. A prosecution witness also died in equally strange circumstances.
Di Stefano was in contact with his Honour Judge McCreath, and weeks before he died in mysterious circumstances told Di Stefano that as soon as he was released, he – the Judge – would “tell the whole truth” – about the trial and thereafter. However, both he and the police officer died in mysterious and sudden circumstances.
Italy operates inquisitorial system whilst the UK has an accusatorial system. A Judge in Italy will now make the necessary criminal enquiries, including in England under the judicial co-operation system, and will then decide if Starmer and Aaronberg will be sent for trial in Italy.
The Procura di Campobasso commented that the matter was now subject to the investigative Judges’ inquiries, and no further comment could be made as the Judge is seized of the matter.
Neither Starmer of Aaronberg were available for comment.
Prot. Number 100593.
Procura della Repubblica di Campobasso,
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 26,
86100 Campobasso CB,
Il sottoscritto Giovanni Di Stefano nato il 1 luglio 1955 a Petrella Tifernina (CB), cittadino italiano con la presente rilascio questo:
Contro quanto segue:
- A) Sir Keir Starmer, l’allora capo del Crown Prosecution Service, responsabile di tutti i procedimenti giudiziari in Gran Bretagna.
- B) David Aaronberg procuratore KC, e
- C) Qualsiasi terza parte coinvolta nell’oggetto della presente denuncia.
Premetto che i suddetti hanno violato l’art. 476, l’art. 478 del Codice penale italiano, ed ogni altro articolo del Codice che emerga, dopo gli opportuni accertamenti, dal Giudice incaricato in materia.
La falsità si riferisce a presunte precedenti condanne che sono state introdotte al mio processo nel marzo 2013, presso la Southwark Crown Court, che hanno portato alla mia condanna illegittima e ingiusta e alla mia pena palesemente eccessiva.
Le parti di cui sopra hanno prodotto al mio processo (allegato A), sostenendo di dimostrare che avevo numerose precedenti condanne. La realtà, tuttavia, era che nel 1975 c’era una sola condanna, che avrebbe dovuto essere ignorata a causa dell’età e della minore punizione.
Allego il vero Certificato di Condanna (PNC) in quanto (Allegato B.) ho saputo dell’allegato B solo nel 2018, quando il Servizio Penitenziario ha voluto mandarmi in un carcere aperto, e hanno dovuto ottenere delle denunce. Hanno ottenuto dalla polizia il verbale che si trova nell’allegato B. Il carcere ha ottenuto nei dodici mesi successivi non meno di cinque richieste simili di precedenti condanne ed esattamente le stesse sono state trovate. Il problema era che l’accusato come sopra, e altri nel Police National Computer Center o nei British Security Services hanno alterato o falsificato il Police National Computer e creato reati che semplicemente non erano veri.
Ciò costituisce violazione degli artt. 476 e 478 quantomeno degli artt. 478 del codice penale italiano. Si segnala che una condanna sull’articolo 476 prevede la reclusione da uno a sei anni e se la falsità è invocata (cosa che è stata del giudice che mi ha condannato) aumenta da 3 a 10 anni.
L’intera situazione è stata un quasi scandalo, dal momento che anche i giudici della Corte d’Appello (che non sono al di sopra della legge) si sono rifiutati anche solo di considerare questo chiaro atto di falsità. Ho appreso da una informativa del Ministero della Giustizia e dei Servizi di Intelligence che nel 2017 e nel 2019 i giudici dell’Alta Corte si sono incontrati privatamente per discutere di questa gravissima situazione. Invece di applicare la giustizia, hanno applicato l’arroganza d’ufficio e hanno deciso tra loro di proteggere il sistema e assicurarsi che non avrei mai vinto nulla in nessun tribunale in Inghilterra e Galles. La nota sul mio file Intelligence è registrata come segue:
“L’incontro del 2019 all’RCJ tra LCJ/VP+ un certo numero di altri giudici ha sostenuto l’incontro simile del 2017 e ha affermato che il cancelliere avrebbe monitorato“Intel” (informazione)in quale prigione DS fosse, e l’arrivo di qualsiasi azione legale proveniente da il posto dove DS fosse detenuto. Tutte le domande provenienti dal carcere in cui si trova DS devono essere esaminate e respinte per qualsiasi motivo, compreso, se necessario, l’uso della riserva. Qualsiasi avvocato o avvocato impegnato pro bono “anziché pagare le parcella” dovrebbe essere rifiutato per quanto possibile”.
LCJ è l’abbreviazione di Lord Chief Justice e VP è l’abbreviazione di Vice President of the Court of Appeal Criminal Division.
La Costituzione italiana mi tutela in ogni giurisdizione. C’è la prova chiara che le precedenti condanne sono state falsificate e alterate in modo che il giudice e la giuria mi dessero una condanna più alta. Dopo che le precedenti condanne falsificate non servivano piu’, la mia precedente condanna, il mio unico reato nel 1975, fu riportata all’originale, pensando che non avrei mai più avuto bisogno di accedervi e non avrei mai scoperto la falsità. Tuttavia, non hanno tenuto in considerazione l’onestà del personale carcerario che ha scoperto questa grave situazione e mi ha informato.
Dopo avermi informato, è importante notare che il giudice del processo HHJ Alistair McCreath e l’ufficiale di polizia che mi perseguiva – DC Jerry Walters – e un testimone dell’accusa sono morti tutti negli ultimi 12 mesi in circostanze estremamente misteriose. Può darsi che pensassero che dovessi essere rilasciato e che lo scandalo che si sarebbe creato fosse troppo grande per essere sopportato.
La mia continua detenzione come detenuto civile, senza alcuna giusta causa, può anche essere un fattore che influenza il motivo per cui il governo britannico usa tutti i mezzi politici per influenzare i giudici, compreso l’uso della nota 618 in non meno di undici occasioni alla magistratura
Invito pertanto la Procura ad aprire la sua indagine come previsto dalla legge e ad incriminare chiunque sia coinvolto in tale falsità indipendentemente dalla nazionalità o dalla posizione.
Giovanni Di Stefano
Datato 2 Novembre 2022
Versione inglese che è stata tradotta in italiano per quanto sopra.
English version that has been translated in Italian for the above.
Prot. Number 100593.
Procura della Repubblica di Campobasso,
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 26,
86100 Campobasso CB,
I, the undersigned, Giovanni Di Stefano born on the 1 July 1955 in Petrella Tifernina (CB), (add in fiscal code) Italian citizen herein issue this:
Against the following:
- A) Sir Keir Starmer, the then Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, responsible for all prosecutions in Great Britain.
- B) David Aaronberg KC prosecutor, and
- C) Any third party involved in the subject of this denuncia.
I herein state that the above have violated the Italian Codice Penale Article 476, Article 478, and any other Articles in the Code that comes to light after the appropriate investigation by the Judge enquiring into this matter.
The falsity relates to supposed previous convictions that were introduced at my Trial in March 2013, at Southwark Crown Court which led to my unlawful, and unjust conviction and manifestly excessive sentence.
The above Parties produced at my Trial (Attachment A), purporting to show that I had numerous previous convictions. The reality, however, was that there was only one conviction in 1975, which should have been ignored owing to its age and minor punishment. I attach the real Certificate of Conviction (PNC) as (Attachment B.)
I only found out about attachment B in 2018, when the Prison Service wanted to send me to an open prison, and they had to obtain reports.
They obtained the report from the police which is exhibited in attachment B. The Prison obtained over the next twelve months no less than five similar requests of previous convictions and the same results were found.
The problem was that the accused as above, and others either in the Police National Computer Centre or the British Security Services, altered or falsified the Police National Computer and created offences that were simply not true.
That constitutes a violation of Articles 476 and 478 at the very least of the Italian Penal Codes. It is noted that a conviction on Article 476 calls for imprisonment of between one and six years and if the falsity is relied upon (which it was by the Judge who sentenced me) it increases from 3 to 10 years.
This whole situation has been a quasi-scandal, since even Appeal Court Judges (who are not above the law) have refused to even consider this clear act of falsity. I found out by a disclosure from the Ministry of Justice and from the Intelligence Services that in 2017 and 2019, Judges of the High Court met privately to discuss this very serious situation.
Instead of applying justice they applied an arrogance of office and decided between themselves, to protect the system and make sure that I would never win anything in any Court in England and Wales. The note on my Intelligence file is recorded as below:
“2019 meeting at Royal courts Of Justice between Lord chef Justice/Vice President + a number of other Judges sustained the 2017 similar meeting and affirmed that the Registrar would keep “Intel” (information) on which prison DS (Di Stefano) was in, and an alert to any application coming from him where he is housed. All applications from prison where DS is located to be scrutinized and refused on any possible ground, including if applicable the use of the proviso: Any solicitor or Barrister engaged pro bono “as opposed to fee paying” to be also rejected as much as possible.”
LCJ is abbreviation for Lord Chief Justice and VP is abbreviation for the Vice President of the Court of Appeal Criminal Division.
The Italian Constitution protects me in any jurisdiction. There is the clearest of evidence that previous convictions were falsified and altered in order that the Judge and the jury would give me a higher sentence and the jury would convict me. After the falsified previous convictions were no longer required, my previous conviction, my sole offence in 1975, were restored to the original, thinking that I would never need access to them again and I would never discover the falsity. However, they did not take into consideration the honesty of prison staff who discovered this serious situation and notified me.
After notifying me – it is important to note that the Trial Judge HHJ Alistair McCreath and the police officer prosecuting me – DC Jerry Walters – and a prosecution witness, all died in the last 12 months under extremely mysterious circumstances, with reports of suspected suicide.
If suicide was the mysterious cause, it may be the case that they thought I was due for release, and the scandal that would be created was too great for them to bear, as I would make it public and show the evidence, in defence of myself.
My continued detention as a civilian detainee, without any proper just cause, may also be an influencing factor as to why the British government use all political means influencing Judges to stop my legitimate release, including the use of memo 618 on no less than eleven occasions to the judiciary.
I therefore invite the Prosecutor to open its investigation as required by law and to indict anyone involved in this falsity regardless of nationality or position.
Giovanni Di Stefano
Dated 2 November 2022
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