Wednesday April 2022
16.02 – It would appear that we may be getting somewhere with the Court of Appeal after three long years.
Thursday 21 April 2022
17.15 – Secrets amongst friends are the source of the good things going wrong.
Friday 22 April 2022
18.09 – To be underestimated is an incredible gift.
Saturday 23 April 2022
12.10 – Salus Populi Suprema Est lex.
In my view though anyone who puts security before liberty deserves NEIMER!!!!
Sunday 24 April 2022
15.10 – Civilisation defines itself on things that it prunes and excludes from society but in my view, it should be evaluated on how it treats those it excludes.
18.28 – Just when I thought that this whole affair has passed its bizarre stage it gets even more weird, bizarre and paranoia! Incredible development.
Monday 25 April 2022
19.20 – The times are changing.
Tuesday 26 April 2022
18.36 – We need the law and if you don’t give the law a chance then whatever freedom we have are not worth a feather or a fig.
Wednesday 27 April 2022
17.55 – It would appear that there is some movement for me on 3 May 2022, but do I trust the justice in this country? Do I hell!
Thursday 28 April 2022
19.21 – If anyone thinks that war is costly and expensive well wait until peace comes and what that costs!!!!
Friday 29 April 2022
19.38 – Finally the UK Border and Nationality Act 2022 has received Royal Assent which means that Foreign National Prisoners can be removed from the UK to their country 365 days reduction in sentence. That will have considerable impact on many and may well clear prison spaces. My parachute number 2 has passed!!!!
Saturday 30 April 2022
14.08 – Remembered I recorded a song called ‘Mi Manchi’ and just heard Christian De Sica sing it in a film – comedy of love. Its probably one of the nicest songs I recorded. Great song which I also wrote the English lyrics – maybe one day I will do it in English too.
Sunday 1 May 2022
10.04 – Today is the traditional Mayday but because it falls on a Sunday then tomorrow – Monday – is a holiday!!! Can someone with more than half a brain tell me why? I cannot figure it out. If 1st May falls on Saturday or Sunday, we should celebrate it then not in two days’ time! Any excuse not to work which is why this country is finished/finite/caput or whatever, and it will take 50 years – two generations – to get it back in order if it can. I wish all well but not holding my breath for things to get better.
Monday 2 May 2022
14.29 – Nothing much doing today. I am well prepared for Court tomorrow but let’s see how (if) the law is applied tomorrow or misinterpreted as it has been in my case throughout.
Tuesday 3 May 2022
15.29 – By mistake the link to the Court was not working today so no hearing but it is now on tomorrow morning, and I am well pleased.
Wednesday 4 May 2022
16.11 – Back in Court again this morning but because of intellectual dishonesty in my case I came second. What is worse is that this dishonesty is pandemic and is fast spreading. I really cannot quite believe what is happening to the rule of law in this country.
Thursday 5 May 2022
17.09 – Today will be a big test for local politics as the local elections begin. My own predictions are that eff all will change in this country, and it will take at least two generations for this country to get back to being 10% ‘great’ again. Good luck.
Friday 6 May 2022
18.37 – What is happening to the justice system in this country, once you could walk into the Royal Courts of Justice put in a claim form, maybe would have to wait a couple of hours in a queue but at least it would get sealed that day. But no, not anymore all is done by email and then has to be chased up by phone and still after nearly two weeks no sealed claim.
Saturday 7 May 2022
15.47 – A pleasant day today, there are some kind people surrounding me and I am grateful for that.
Sunday 8 May 2022
12.10 – I am appalled at the “theft” of Chelsea FC from Roman Abramovich and even more astounded that my government (Italian) has seized a yacht Scheherazade without lawful authority, simply on the possibility that the yacht is owned by President Putin or friends of his. How stupid. Who the hell will ever invest in the UK or Italy if they see the government behave in this manner, contrary to international law? I repudiate war or violence in any shape or form, but this is no way to deal with the situation the rule of law has become an orphan. Grrrr….
Monday 9 May 2022
18.09 – Read an article in The Daily Mail on John Stonehouse about a documentary being shown on his life tonight that will be interesting. I remember writing an article on Stonehouse back in 2012 I will ask Caroline to find it and republish….
Tuesday 10 May 2022
18.10 – Wrote a lot of letters today regarding the Royal Courts of Justice, will it get me anywhere…. we will see.
Wednesday 11 May 2022
15.40 – Another letter to the CPS, why won’t they answer any of my emails is anyone actually working in these places any more or has it all gone to pot…or are they to worried to answer because they know the truth!!!!
Thursday 12 May 2022
17.05 – To formally start a war an instrument called a note verbale is sent from one foreign ministry of the country, declaring war to the foreign ministry of the country that war is declared upon. Has this happened between Russia & Ukraine?
Friday 13 May 2022
19.10 – My son Michael went to the Courts today did a good job, but will justice prevail!!
Saturday 14 May 2022
12.02 – The press can write what they want about me but when they start writing incorrect statements that are hurtful to my family I won’t have it – watch this space….
Sunday 15 May 2022
03.04 – Had a nice walk today in the sun, watched bit of TV a chilled day ready for action tomorrow.
Monday 16 May 2022
17.21 – Many years ago, I was briefed about the doom’s day clock it’s extremely real and the public need to be aware.
Tuesday 17 May 2022
18.30 – Keep politics out of sport! The music industry and sport!
Wednesday 18 May 2022
17.37 – For those that know me here is the message of the gospel of Matthew chap 10 verse 17, also chapter 10 v 26, also chapter 10 v 40, also chapter 17 v 27.
Thursday 19 May 2022
18.12 – Is there any university or university student carrying out research on Prison Related Stress Disorder, because if not there should be, instead of wasting money on some ridiculous research that I have been reading lately…more on that later!
Friday 20 May 2022
19.21 – Are there any lawyers that have clients that have Prison Related Stress Disorder as I want to start a Group Litigation Order Case i.e. Class Action? Please make contact me. As this should be seriously looked at.
Saturday 21 May 2022
17.51 – Nice walk outside today its amazing how a walk can clear your head.
Sunday 22 May 2022
16.32 – Well on Tuesday the podcast is released of my son Michaels story about having me as a father…
Hi gio let me know if you get this message. Thinking of you. I no longer speak to our friend