In Defence of Saddam Hussein by Giovanni Di Stefano Book One Volume One
Di Stefano discloses secret documents never seen before surrounding the interrogations, capture and execution of Saddam Hussein.
Di Stefano discloses secret documents never seen before surrounding the interrogations, capture and execution of Saddam Hussein.
William Joyce was at all material times an agent of the British Government. He was sacrificed, in other words murdered, not out of willingness but incompetency and fear that the spy network would be displayed for all to see. He was supposed to succeed at his trial, succeed at his appeal and the Home Secretary reprieve him. None of that happened. Instead those he worked for simply abandoned him and he was murdered by the State.
Please enjoy my version of ‘Woman’
Jacques describes our journey through life as a play with seven acts. It begins with a mewling infant, progresses through schoolboy, romantic, soldier, justice and pantaloon (old age) ending with dementia and dependency same teeth, same eyes, same taste, same everything! Originally published 2014-08-24
“To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.” – Department of Justice Mission Statement
The law – Only three letters make the word law, but boy oh boy what an impact. Funny isn’t it that small things seem to be the most perilous? Napoleon, Hitler, and a good few more, but the word law is by itself. Yet, I say the law is the most intrusive noun ever. I bet a pound to a penny (I have neither) that you have not given the law much thought, but let me tell…