Is This A Dagger I See Before Me? (Macbeth Act ll Scene I by William Shakespeare) Recited By Giovanni Di Stefano
Urged on by the prophecy and ambition Macbeth’s grip on reality starts to unwind as he prepares to do what he knows is terribly wrong.
Urged on by the prophecy and ambition Macbeth’s grip on reality starts to unwind as he prepares to do what he knows is terribly wrong.
A depressive dystopian theme describes the worst features of the modern and shallow world which emerges from the darkness and terrors of the First World War.
Some years ago I acted for Charles Manson in the United States and filed an application with the Inter-American Human Rights Commission who are the facsimile to the European Court of Human Rights. I know firsthand that the IAHRC are notorious for taking many years to arrive at a decision. The European Court of Human Rights also takes a year or so (plus) but nowhere near so long. I hope that soon a decision will be made.
Dedicated to all my friends who wish me well…Enjoy GDS
On behalf of Giovanni Di Stefano we publish his letter to Tony Rennell regarding his excellent piece in the 12 December edition reviewing the book on ‘Lord Haw Haw’ namely William Joyce written by Colin Holmes