Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development
Essex Crime Writer Controversially Jailed in 2012 Seeks Judicial Review for ‘IPP’ Sentences Abolished In 2012 by Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford

Essex crime writer Terry Smith has issued a Judicial Review against the Ministry of Justice to review how IPP sentences are administered. Smith, who was controversially convicted and sentenced in 2010 after a failed trial resulting in the Jury refusing to convict, to an ‘Indeterminate Public Protection’ sentence with a minimum of 12 years, contends in his  Judicial Review that those who have committed murder when they were under 18 have had their release mechanism criteria changed from the…

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The Greatest Legal Gold Bullion Robbery by Giovanni Di Stefano

The Apostle, St. John, wrote: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” For me, the beginning was when I was eight years of age, in August 1963, when my parents took me back to Italy on holiday from England. As ‘aliens’ registered with the Home Office, our family had been in England since 1961, and this was to be our first trip back to Italy. I spent many a…

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Petition From Giovanni Di Stefano Regarding ‘Hidden Assets’ To Be Heard In The House Of Commons

In November Giovanni Di Stefano sent a petition to Sir Roger Gale MP regarding ‘hidden assets’ which has now been accepted and published on the ‘House of Commons Hansard’ website as per the following link: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2018-11-21/debates/18112154000010/PetitionOfGiovanniDiStefano We also publish the letter from Sir Roger Gale, MP, which is self explanatory of the procedure, and look forward to receiving a positive response. Giovanni Di Stefano, family, and Caroline would like to thank Sir Roger Gale, MP, for his help in…

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