Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development
Diary from the Inside 26 September – 19 October 2018 Part 125 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 26 September 2018 07.36am – Have you ever considered why the number ‘40’ is mentioned so much in our everyday life? Probably not, but those who read my daily missives, like Freddie Ross Johnson aka Dougie Coombes, my truly good friend, finally enjoying life in China with his family as he should have been a long time ago were it not for the Ministry of Injustice (wow I’ve forgotten the point now…oh yes) the number ‘40’! When we…

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Diary from the Inside 11 – 23 September 2018 Part 124 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 11 September 2018 12.45pm – How many years is it since 9/11? How many people can remember the actual year? Go on, have a think about it? It was 2001 and who got the blame for it? Of course, Osman Bin Laden, and, again, I ask the same question of the Labour Party who was in Government at the time – Tony Blair. Where are the 20 pages of the fax that prove 100% he masterminded it? Nowhere,…

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Diary from the Inside 27 August – 10 September 2018 part 123 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2018 08.17am – The news today is about Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe who was given a ROTL (release on temporary licence) in Iran, has had to go back to prison (EVIN) in Tehran to continue serving her sentence and, oh, by the way, the UK says she is innocent. OK, I will go with that, but it’s also known that 10% of all those in jail are innocent here in the UK which with a…

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Diary from the Inside 7 – 26 August 2018 part 122 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 7 August 2018 12.42pm – Jonathan King notified me in June that he had won his case but was not allowed to say anything because the CPS was considering a retrial. Now finally his ordeal has come to an end. I had the honour to act for him in 2004 when he came out of prison, and I know 100% he was not guilty of the offences he was convicted of. I mean, on one of the accusations…

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Diary from the Inside 24 July – 6 August 2018 Part 121 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 24 July 2018 01.11pm – Well it goes something like this: – In 2013 the police and the Crown prosecutors at my trial presented documents to the Court that portrayed me in a manner that the Jury would find me guilty, and did so, based on a print out from the Police National Computer. You would think that documents from the PNC would be without doubt. You would think, so, wouldn’t you? You would not expect documents presented…

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Diary from the Inside 10 – 23 July 2018 Part 120 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 10 July 2018 07.03pm – I think I have nine more days of these strong antibiotics and, boy, I can hardly wait. My head wants to explode when I take the pills but let’s hope it’s all for the better. Not much really to say today other than Boris Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary. He says that his conscience would not allow him to advance a cause he did not believe in. Well, that never stopped him in…

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