Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development

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Royal Blackmail

A six-part series on the story behind the Royal Blackmail Trial based on the book by controversial international lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano has been sent to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for consideration as part of their Netflix deal. Ian Strachan and Sean McGuigan were both convicted in 2008 of blackmailing a member of the royal family, at the time it caused sensational headlines worldwide. Strachan was represented by Di Stefano from the moment of his arrest at…

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Parere Pro Veritate – No Statutory Requirement to Impose Consecutive Sentence on Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 ‘Default’ Orders by Giovanni Di Stefano

The Criminal Justice Act 1988 relinquished its statutory rights in favour of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 when the said provisions were brought into force albeit POCA 2002 received Royal Assent on 24 July 2002. POCA 2002 is divided into 12 parts consisting of over 460 sections and 12 schedules. Part 2 concerns confiscation orders in criminal proceedings. Contained within POCA 2002 there is not a single word of…

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The Legality of Joint-Enterprise Convictions in England and Wales by Giovanni Di Stefano

Parere Pro Veritate 1. In 2002, I, together with Peter Kelson QC (now HHJ Kelson), the late Dr David Thomas QC, Alex Dos Santos and Jonathan Lennon successfully argued before the then Vice President of the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division Lord Justice Rose that the conviction of Nicholas Van Hoogstraten of ‘joint-enterprise’ verdict of manslaughter should be quashed. 2. Subsequently, aided by Geoffrey Cox QC (now the Attorney General) his retrial produced a verdict on the orders of…

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Coming Soon: You the Jury…

OPC Global news and media are pleased to announce that we are in the process of working on a programme coming soon ‘You the Jury’ together with our website www.youthejury.tv  and we will update our readers on this project in the near future. However,  please find below a glimpse of a production planned and posted on Youtube 8/11/2009 –The Devil’s Advocate on Vimeo ‘THE APPEAL WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED’

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Diary from the Inside 21 November – 10 December 2018 part 128 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 21 November 2018 08.16pm – Today I met two very good lawyers from Wells Burcombe, who came to deal with adjudications. It was nice chatting to young, but very capable, lawyers about the profession. They are both very intelligent and good advocates. The rest of the day I spent drafting a petition to Parliament on what were IPP sentences. Boy, this Government has a problem with the English language – what does abolish mean to you? It means…

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Essex Crime Writer Controversially Jailed in 2012 Seeks Judicial Review for ‘IPP’ Sentences Abolished In 2012 by Giovanni Di Stefano and Caroline Bayford

Essex crime writer Terry Smith has issued a Judicial Review against the Ministry of Justice to review how IPP sentences are administered. Smith, who was controversially convicted and sentenced in 2010 after a failed trial resulting in the Jury refusing to convict, to an ‘Indeterminate Public Protection’ sentence with a minimum of 12 years, contends in his  Judicial Review that those who have committed murder when they were under 18 have had their release mechanism criteria changed from the…

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Giovanni Di Stefano: The “Devil’s Advocate” and the Mission to Return Eli Cohen’s Body

Giovanni Di Stefano, known internationally as the “Devil’s Advocate,” played a key role in negotiating the return of Eli Cohen, the Israeli agent executed in Syria in 1965. Through a series of diplomatic contacts and a high-level operation between Israel and Syria, Di Stefano initiated direct correspondence with former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and coordinated efforts with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This joint effort represents a historic step toward closing a decades-old wound. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and…

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The Mystery Surrounding the Death of Luciano Pavarotti: A Case for Doubt by Giovanni Di Stefano

Luciano Pavarotti, the legendary Italian tenor whose voice enthralled millions worldwide, officially passed away on September 6, 2007, in Modena, Italy. The cause of death was stated as complications from pancreatic cancer. However, as with many high-profile deaths, certain anomalies, inconsistencies, and lingering questions have given rise to speculation that there may be more to the story than meets the eye. In this investigative article, we will examine the circumstances of Pavarotti’s death, the inconsistencies in the official narrative,…

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Murder art 575 CP replace man/person by Giovanni Di Stefano, International Law Firm Regarding Article 575 of the Criminal Code – Murder

Whoever causes the death of a man (a person!) shall be punished with imprisonment of not less than twenty-one years . ROME/MONACO:13.01.2025   It is with great concern and determination that, fifteen years after my petition to the Italian Parliament pursuant to Article 50 of the Constitution, I renew my request for legislative intervention to amend Article 575 of the Criminal Code, replacing the term “man” with “person.” This amendment is necessary to eliminate a linguistic and legal ambiguity that…

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Strictly de jure the term “cheating,” by Giovanni Di Stefano

Strictly de jure the term “cheating,” particularly when used to describe sexual activity outside of marriage, is often misconceived and can be problematic for several reasons. At its core, the term is rooted in moral judgment and cultural norms that may not be universally applicable or reflective of the complexities of human relationships. First, the notion of “cheating” implies that there is a clear and universally accepted set of rules governing intimate relationships, particularly marriage. However, this assumption overlooks…

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The Face Of Jesus, The Vatican Cover-Up And The Mafia Discover The Truth About The Shroud Of Turin By Giovanni Di Stefano

Today we republish our article that Giovanni Di Stefano wrote in March 2012  on The Face of Jesus, the Vatican Cover-Up and The Mafia Discover The Truth About The Shroud of Turin, after the Daily Mail published their article today 24 August 2024! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13773733/Shroud-Turin-analysis-study-Medieval-forgery.htmlhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13773733/Shroud-Turin-analysis-study-Medieval-forgery.html

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Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States by Giovanni Di Stefano

The sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States in 1867, while historically accepted, raises significant legal questions that merit critical examination. This transaction, known as the Alaska Purchase, was concluded under the Treaty of Cession, signed on March 30, 1867. However, the legality of this sale, in my view, can be challenged on several grounds, particularly when analysed through the lens of international law principles and case law. The Doctrine of Uti Possidetis Juris and Territorial Sovereignty…

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