Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development
Diary from the Inside 21 January – 2 March 2019 Part 131 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Monday 21 January 2019 07.14pm – Feeling a bit better, in fact, I have stopped taking 1500 mg of penicillin and I feel better. Whether I am better is another matter but at least I can sleep OK, my stomach does not hurt and I feel better. So, there it is – a risk. A gamble I have to take with my life. 07.16pm – I have today sent the Secretary of State for exiting the EU formal notice…

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Diary from the Inside 1 – 20 January 2019 Part 130 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 1 January 2019 Midnight 2019 Happy New Year to you all. May 2019 be a year of peace, stability, and humanly, for us all. 08.09am – The New Year is in, and watching BBC News I have heard the first load of crap in 2019 – ‘the Universe was formed 4.7 billion years ago.’ How the eff does anyone know when ‘the Universe’ was formed 4.7 billion years ago, how can you measure time when time was not…

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Diary from the Inside 11 – 31 December 2018 part 129 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday 11 December 2018 08.16pm – Today it’s my youngest sons 23rd birthday, so, I wish him Happy Birthday. Notwithstanding, he has every reason to be bitter, he has grown up to be a gentleman, and whilst he has no malice in his bones he is not to be taken as a pushover, and very decisive. Of course, I’m proud as any father would be but what makes me so proud and envious, in a way, of him, is,…

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Diary from the Inside 21 November – 10 December 2018 part 128 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 21 November 2018 08.16pm – Today I met two very good lawyers from Wells Burcombe, who came to deal with adjudications. It was nice chatting to young, but very capable, lawyers about the profession. They are both very intelligent and good advocates. The rest of the day I spent drafting a petition to Parliament on what were IPP sentences. Boy, this Government has a problem with the English language – what does abolish mean to you? It means…

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Diary from the Inside 9 – 20 November – 2018 part 127 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Friday 9 November 2018 06.10pm – Now talking about the SS in Nazi Germany, and all over Europe, the troops were issued with pervitin tablets which, incidentally, contained methamphetamine which is crystal meth, which then allowed them to march for days without sleeping, eating, etc. Whilst on the subject of the SS the British Police are not so well trained as they think, and there have been a number of incidents where they did not do their safety checks….

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Diary from the Inside 20 October – 8 November 2018 Part 126 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Saturday 20 October 2018 (Written 19/10/2018 at 19.46pm) – The wood frog from Canada freezes itself in the winter ice for over six months, then when the thaw comes chemicals in its body protects it from damage to organs and gets back to normal. So, what are those chemicals? Can they be reproduced? Can a human be cryogenically frozen when there is an illness that can’t be treated, and, then, in time, be unfrozen using the chemicals as in…

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