Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development
Diary from the Inside 24 June – 9 July 2018 Part 119 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Sunday 24 June 2018 07.39am – I don’t know if you are aware but blood transfusions are common, also, in dogs. There are about 13 different blood types in dogs and they have to be compatible if the transfusion is to work. I can’t remember much from the lectures given by Professor Colin and Professor Marion Silver at Cambridge, but I am pretty sure I’m correct that there are 13, or maybe even more, blood types.  The only reason…

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Diary from the Inside 18 – 23 June Part 118 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Monday 18 June 2018 07.13am – Am not at all well and it’s hard to get to see the doctor. I had to call for attention last night but unfortunately nothing, no medical attention, and I hope today I can get some time to see the doctor. When I’m ill, I remember pieces of what are, useless information, but interesting. A change is as good as a rest. Now, I do remember, but please readers do check the date,…

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Diary from the Inside 6 – 17 June 2018 Part 117 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 6 June 2018 (written 5/6/2018) Have to write this the night before to catch the first post tomorrow. I had the pleasure of meeting Mel B. at the Dorchester Hotel before this injustice happened to me. I was not expecting such a lovely person full of positive energy and with the smile of kindness. Amazingly, she had heard of me but sadly I could not name even one song by the ‘Spice Girls’ but she never held that…

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Diary from the Inside 16 – May – 5 June 2018 Part 116 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Wednesday 16 May 2018 07.10pm – The article below is the very reason why this country is basically ‘effed.’ What is required is urgently to get back to basics and to get a grip on reality. When a hotel as prestige as the Connaught is forced by effing political correctness, to have to lower its standards in the dress code simply because of political correctness, then it means that most people are not able to achieve any kind of…

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Diary from the Inside 14 – 15 May 2018 Part 115 by Giovanni Di Stefano

07.10am – Today my diary is about mendacity – or in other words – lies. We all know that what brought President Nixon down was not Watergate but lies. It’s what caused Jonathan Aitken’s, and Jeffrey Archer, to enter ‘Her Majesty’s Prison.’ However, I bet you did not know that during the Second World War the U.S. Government actually had a ‘Department of Liars’ which they aptly called the ‘Morale Operations Section.’

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Diary from the Inside 23 April – 13 May 2018 Part 114 by Giovanni Di Stefano

Monday 23 April 2018 07.12am – Just continuing from the weekend, I remind the United States of America that on 3 September 1939 the Washington Post Newspaper had a headline that ran: Both sides agree not to bomb civilians. Six years later two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan killing civilians and let’s not forget the machine-gunning of the children’s choir in Dresden! The law and regulation only apply to the losers!!!! That leads me to tell the story…

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