Legal Opinion on the Questionable Legality of the Sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States In Pre-Production A New Docudrama Coming Soon:- The Double Treble Agent Who Was No Traitor And Lives To Tell The Story: Geoffrey Prime By Giovanni Di Stefano The Enigmatic Legacy of Marshall Tito: The Atomic Ambitions of Yugoslavia and the Devil’s Advocate Lord Haw Haw the American Traitor WWII docufiction under development
Coronavirus Covid-19 A Suitable Case for a Requiem – Part One by Giovanni Di Stefano

When President Donald Trump at his daily press conference on Wednesday 18 March 2020 used the phrase “…the Chinese flu” it was a déjà vu moment. In 1918 it was the then US President, Woodrow Wilson, who called the flu epidemic, that killed 50 million people worldwide, the ‘Spanish Flu’ only because it killed the leading member of Spain’s Royal Family. The so-called ‘Spanish Flu’ originated from a farm in Kentucky, USA, and a farmworker who joined the US…

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Coronavirus In Cronus by Robin Graves

2020 End of the World leap years $5 Trillion Wasted World Stock From the 20’s Capitalism & The Great War, we’re all going to die. From the 30’s Depression & Stock Market Crash, we’re all going to die. From the 40’s Nazi’s, we’re all going to die. From the 50’s Aliens, we’re all going to die. From the 60’s Assassin’s, we’re all going to die. From the 70’s Nuclear Bombs, we’re all going to die. From the 80’s Aids,…

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The Legality of the War on Iraq by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and N. Ireland – Giovanni Di Stefano

Since 2003 Giovanni Di Stefano had an insight on what actually led to the invasion of Iraq and for many years has felt that he should have published what he knew then, and over the last 16 years. Although, late in giving his opinion GDS strongly feels he should publish the legality of the war on Iraq by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and N. Ireland in the interest of all.

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The Murder Of The Baader-Meinhof Gang By Giovanni Di Stefano

Tuesday, 18 October 1977, began as a routine day at Stammheim Prison in Stuttgart, West Germany. Two officials were taking breakfast, coffee, boiled eggs, and toast, to the seventh-floor cell. At 07.41am they opened the door to cell 716, to find the ‘terrorist’ Jan-Carl Raspe propped up on the bed and bleeding from a wound on his temple. The guards shut the door and alerted the prison hospital, and Governor. When the cell was re-opened, a 0mm calibre pistol was…

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